City of Lebanon, New Hampshire

Pathways Consulting, LLC contributed hundreds of hours in a largely volunteer effort to develop a grass-roots master plan to involve the City of Lebanon and community at large in master planning the Route 12A corridor. This effort was in response to NHDOT plans to improve Exit 20 of Interstate 89 and the Route 12A corridor. Master planning included public workshops, the development of many traffic routing alternatives, and traffic analysis to demonstrate the benefits of hinter/frontage road access to minimize impacts on existing properties and businesses. NHDOT and community planning is still using ideas and information developed by the Route 12A Improvement Society through a committee established by the Governor's Executive Council.

Additionally, our personnel were selected by the City of Lebanon to develop concepts to improve circulation, pedestrian and vehicular safety, and parking movements within a parking area located near the Lebanon community green. This parking area provides the majority of public parking for a multi-level retail mall, to City Hall, and to the community green. We also developed a map of the existing facility, created various concepts to improve parking as well as pedestrian and vehicular circulation, and the engineering drawings for the selected concept. During the design process we provided a "turn-key" design and construction package to the City of Lebanon by preparing the construction plans, specifications and bid documents for the project, administering the advertisement for bids, reviewing the bids, awarding the contract, and providing clerk-of-the-works services to manage the project's construction.

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